Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lights, camera, actions !

Acting is not one of my speciality. I kind of looking akward if I acted on the stage. Maybe it was the way i move my body that can be decribe like a "log". For this semester, a lot of acting and monologue need to carried out in order to complete my assignments. A new experience for me when first I have to act in my monologue alone and then acted again in the group presentation on the stage.

After rehearsing after rehersing, I managed to act the character that was given to me dispite the nervousness that I felt. Comments were given and I were determined to improves myself to be a great and realistic actress in order to be a good example for my students in the future.

Actually, acting and performing are not an easy task. A lot of preparation need to be done. The most important thing is the actress or the actor have to be very prepared so that they can act out the character that they play as realistic and believable as they can be.

Here are the so called actor and actress in the group performance that we did last week. Do you think they deserve an award?  :-)

Linda ( The Minah Rempit Girl)

Holy Ghost ( Pink One !)

Adam ( The GirlMan Boyfriend )

Mom ( Sweet and Gentle )

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