Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Music and Poem. Isn't it interesting?

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Music had been a very meaningful impact in my life. Early in the morning, late at night before i went to sleep, music has been my best friend. Have you ever listened to the true lyrics of music nowadays? Some of it are so beautiful and bring great meaning that can easily inspire us. For me lyrics in the songs are same as lyrics in a poems. Sometimes the relation between poetry and music is very close indeed, as in the case of song lyrics or ballads. Consider one of the poems like the ballad of "Sir Patrick Spens."  What is there about the ballad form that lends itself so well to being sung? Of course, ballads are not the only poems that can be sung. Marlowe's "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love" is an example of the sort of Renaissance lyric that might be sung but could just as easily stand alone as a poem.Many of the poets (including Shakespeare, Whitman, Dickinson, Yeats, and Auden) have had some of their poems set to music, and Langston Hughes had a significant career writing for the musical theater. Don't believe me? Then click on the icon and listened them for yourself! Enjoy!

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